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D.Sumiyabazar: We will focus on increasing jobs, income, and employment



An operational meeting of Ulaanbaatar city officials was held and was led by D.Sumiyabazar, Governor of the Capital City and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar . At the beginning of the meeting, the Governor mentioned that 2022 will be a year dedicated to the prosperity of the citizens, and stressed that he will focus on increasing jobs, income, and employment.

During the last meeting, the Mayor gave instructions in 11 areas, and the implementation process is at 90 percent. For example, tasks have been assigned to relevant officials for preparing the provision of refined coal briquettes to vulnerable groups. Accordingly, 6,098 households will be surveyed and will be provided with refined coal briquettes between January 11 and February 20.

At the end of last year, the Capital city governor revoked the license requirement of 74 services, allowing them to obtain their licenses online thus eliminating the need to contact government officials. Within this framework, more than 7,000 citizens have visited the website and more than 200 have registered. The Governor also instructed the relevant officials to create opportunities for citizens to participate in Tsagaan Sar trade fairs.

Development works will begin on April 1

“Development works will begin by the 1st of April. Preparations must be completed by March 15. Ulaanbaatar must be a pedestrian-friendly city. We need to update the standards of sidewalks and create conditions and opportunities for citizens to travel freely.” said the Governor.

More than 20,000 households in Ulaanbaatar are wintering as temporary residents

D.Ikhbayar, Deputy Governor of the Capital City in charge of Green development and Reduction of air and Environmental pollution, said, “Since December 30, a total of 13 types of inspections have been conducted. Laboratory tests were carried out on petrol at gas stations, measurements were taken from coal stoves as well as the exhaust fumes from public transportation vehicles. As a result, an issue of fuel and coal stove compatibility has arisen. Residents are using non-standard home stoves that cause gas leakages. Work has begun to approve the stove standard. It is necessary to use full, double combustion and low fumigation stoves. We will operate six moving stations at high altitudes.”

This year, more than 20,000 households in Ulaanbaatar are wintering as temporary residents. This has increased fuel consumption by about 60,000 tons.

Coal briquettes outlets are required to ensure that the supply is not disrupted

At the end of the meeting, D.Sumiyabazar, the Governor of the Capital City and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar, gave the following instructions:

  • Prepare well for the activities to be carried out in 2022 with the state and capital city budgets and local development funds.
  • Professional organizations should ensure the safety of engineering networks, pay special attention to the reliable supply of water, heat, and electricity to residents, and keep their machinery and equipment ready at all times.
  • Improve transportation operations to ensure that refined coal briquette sales outlets are not disrupted by supply.
  • Improve the monitoring of the ban on distributing and using raw coal in the capital city and to regularly monitor the quality of technological standards for refined coal briquette production.
  • Due to the increasing number of confirmed covid cases and the high risk of transmission, implement temporary recommendations for public and private organizations on the infection prevention and measures to be taken in case of infection.
  • Ensure that every employee adheres to the provisions of the Anti-Corruption Law and the Law on Regulation of public and private interests and Prevention of conflict of interest in public service in the performance of their duties.
  • Improve the discipline and accountability of officials, improve the use and productivity of working hours, enforce the Civil Service Law and civil service standards, specialize and provide training to employees in stages.
  • Improve fiscal discipline, reduce wasteful spending of government organizations, increase the benefits of the Capital city’s property, improve internal inspection, and demand results.
  • Organizations operating in the new capital city administration buildings are obliged to provide one-stop civil services and to serve businesses, organizations and citizens without bureaucracy, delays, or ethical shortcomings.



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Нийслэлийн 🚀”СТАРТАП 2022″🚀 арга хэмжээ 06-р сарын 14-нөөс 07-р сарын 03-ны хооронд зохион байгуулагдаж, дүүрэг бүрээс шилдэг 2 баг, нийт 18 баг тус тус 10 сая төгрөгийн санхүүжилтээ гардан авлаа. 👏🎉

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Нийслэлийн Хөдөлмөр эрхлэлтийн газар ХАБЭА үндсэн зааварчилгаа

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